Sony 55-200mm f/4-5.6 SAM DT Telephoto Zoom Lens for Sony Alpha Digital SLR Cameras

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  • Compatible with 35 mm Full Frame, or APS-C format A-mount cameras.
  • Small size, light weight telephoto zoom lens
  • 35mm focal length equivelant; 82.5-300mm
  • Smooth and silent AF operation with built-in motor (SAM)
  • Closest focus distance: 0.95m; Maximum magnification: 0.29x
  • Please note: DT lenses are not recommended for use with the DSLR-A900

  • If you don't have a telephoto zoom lens in your arsenal, this is a great place to start. The superb multi-purpose SAL-DT55200 55-200mm f4-5.6 telephoto zoom lens is an excellent all-around value, covering the medium to long-distance telephoto range you will use most. It also provides close minimum focusing distance of about 3 feet (.95m), for tight shots of people, natural subjects and close-up details. Its compact, lightweight design makes it easy to carry as your standard or accessory lens - and all your shots will benefit from the Sony Super SteadyShot image stabilization system built into every Sony a system DSLR. (35mm equivalent: 82.5-300mm). Please note: DT lenses are not recommended for use with the DSLR-A900.

    Compact Design, All-Around Versatility This high-value 55-200mm zoom lens covers a wide range of medium to long-distance telephoto applications -- and its lightweight design lets you leave it on-camera or carry it easily as an accessory lens for special purposes (35mm equivalent: 82.5-300mm).

    DT Lens Design The SAL-DT55200 is specially designed for the APS-size CCD imager used in Sony & 945 (alpha) DSLR cameras. APS-size sensors are smaller than a 35mm-format film frame, so the focal distance to cover the same field of view can be about 2/3 shorter -- allowing a more compact lens design.

    Short Minimum Focusing Distance With the ability to focus as closely as 3 feet (.95m), this telephoto lens also lets you move in for dramatic shots of people, natural subjects and close-up details.

    In-Camera Image Stabilization A major reason for its compact, lightweight design is the benefit of Super SteadyShot in-camera image stabilization, built into every Sony & 945 system DSLR -- and enabling accessory lenses to eliminate the extra weight and expense of in-lens stabilization mechanisms.

    Multi-Element Design The SAL-DT55200 is designed with 13 lens elements in 9 groups, with precision focusing perform
    Brand: Sony, Model: SAL55200/2

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