Sonic Alert Loud Alarm Clock SBS550ss The Skull with Vibrating Shaker

Sonic Alert
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Brand Sonic Alert
Model SBS550bc
Color Silver and Black

  • 113db extra-loud alarm with adjustable tone & volume control
  • Packaged with the most powerful 12-volt bone crusher bed shaker
  • Includes a bright red flashing eye sockets and a strip of orange flashing alert lights
  • MP3 player input lets you wake up to your own music and test function to ensure your clock is setup properly
  • 5-level dimmer function and equipped with 12/24 hour time capability

  • The SBS550bc AKA "The Skull", has been designed for guys and girls that think outside the box. With Bright Red flashing eye sockets, a strip of orange flashing alert lights, and our deadly bone crusher bed shaker, you might want to sleep with one eye open. Did we mention the skull snoozer, go ahead snooze it we dare you. If the Bone Crusher doesn't do the trick, how about 113 decibels of screaming terrifying sound that will make you cry like a little baby. When you're not on the floor crying, turn up the music with the included MP3 player input, this should help calm you down along with the 5-level dimmer function. Enjoy your own music right through your alarm clock using your personal MP3 player, smart phone, or ipod no more am/fm goo. (MP3 player not included)

    Custom Tab 01

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