Solvit Half Ramp II Pet Ramp

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  • LIGHTWEIGHT: The Half Ramp II weighs 7 lb. making it easy to pick up and transport
  • DURABLE: Constructed of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and supports up to 200 lb. for use with heavier dogs; the non-slip rubber feet help hold the ramp steady during use
  • TRACTION: The high traction walking surface provides a textured surface to help prevent slips; perfect for older pets or pets with mobility issues
  • SUPPORT FOR YOU: Call, chat or email with our expert US-based customer care specialists six days a week at 1-800-845-3274; they are waiting to assist you and your pet with your product needs
  • EXPERIENCE: PetSafe brand has been an industry leading US manufacturer of pet behavior, containment and lifestyle products since 1991, helping millions of people and pets each year
  • IMPORTANT INFORMATION: While strong and durable, the PetSafe Solvit Half Ramp II is designed for PET USE ONLY

  • The PetSafe Solvit Half Ramp II is perfect for helping your pet onto shorter raised surfaces and is a great alternative to pet stairs. This ramp is 17 in. wide and 39 in. long and is recommended for climbs up to 18 in. high. The high traction walking surface helps your pet feel confident and secure while climbing. The Half Ramp II supports up to 200 lb. and weighs a mere 7 lb. making it great for transporting.
    Brand: Solvit, Model: 62306, Color: Gray, Size: Large

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