SNACK PACK Chocolate Pudding Cups are an easy, individually wrapped treat for every lunch box
Made with real milk, SNACK PACK Pudding is the original childhood treat no one can resist
No preservatives, no high-fructose corn syrup and gluten free
Contains as much calcium as an 8-ounce glass of milk
As much calcium as an 8 ounce glass of milkGreat addition to every kids lunchNo preservatives and gluten freeNo high fructose corn syrupNo refrigeration needed
We all remember toting our favorite sweet treats to school and waiting for just the right moment to peel the top back on a creamy SNACK PACK Chocolate Pudding Cup. These fun and easy individual pudding cups are perfect as an on-the-go snack or as an addition to a school lunch. They're even made with real milk and contain as much calcium as an 8-ounce glass in every serving. Our pudding cups have no preservatives, no high-fructose corn syrup, and are gluten free, so you can trust that your kiddo will enjoy a real treat at the end of every lunch. Don't forget to lick the lid clean when you pop open each carton of SNACK PACK Chocolate Pudding Cups. Brand: Snack Pack, Model: BHBUST051718A3333, Size: Package size of 13 oz
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