Help increase your internet sales using Smith-Victor's new line of Light Box Shooting Tents. Produce professional quality images with these inexpensive and simple-to-use light boxes designed to diffuse light and eliminate unwanted reflections and shadows. The Light Box Shooting Tent can be lit from either side, top, front, back and with a Smith-Victor CM24 Clear Tabletop Shooting table, from underneath. Using any type of lightsource - photoflood, quartz halogen, strobe, fluorescent, HMI or ambient daylight, and made of durable diffusion material, they are ideal for product shots including jewlery, glassware and just about any type of product. Front panel is removable for ease of product positioning. The Light Box Shooting Tent comes with one each removable white and black cloth sweep that provides complete separation from the subject. The Light Box Shooting Tents fold flat and fit into a slim nylon carrying case for on-location shooting Brand: Smith-Victor, Model: LB-28
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