SmartBones Rawhide-Free Dog Bones, Made With Real Chicken

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  • Now made in Vietnam; Made with Real Chicken and Vegetables
  • Rawhide-Free
  • Easy to Digest
  • Vitamin & Mineral Enriched
  • Chewing Helps Maintain Healthy Teeth

  • Chewing is an essential activity for dogs – it helps keep them happy and healthy by cleaning teeth, strengthening their jaws, and preventing boredom and destructive behavior. As a pet parent, you should ensure that you satisfy your dog's natural chewing instinct in a healthy and satisfying way. We set out to create a chew alternative that wasn't just healthy, but tasted great — two simple principles that guided our development team. SmartBones have all the benefits of a rawhide chew… without the rawhide! No rawhide SmartBone are made with real chicken and wholesome vegetables for a scrumptious taste dogs can't resist! Vitamin and mineral enriched, these chews help maintain your pet's healthy teeth and gums, and are 100% delicious! These chews, which contain no rawhide, are also easy to digest. Try SmartBones Classic Bone Chews and see why 9 out of 10 dogs prefer SmartBones chews over the leading rawhide chews.
    Brand: SmartBones, Model: SBC-00202, Size: Mini-24 pieces/pack

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