Slack Adjuster Set

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Features and Benefits:

  • Slack adjusters for Haldex, Bendix and Meritor Air Brake Systems
  • Meritor Slack Adjuster has 5/16" ratchet size with double square offset reversible wrench. Fork end tool holds release of anti-reverse pin during adjustment
  • Haldex Slack Adjuster Tool has 7/16" ratchet size. Extra long 14.5" handle adds leverage and makes overcoming the anti-reverse mechanism easier than ever
  • Bendix Slack Adjuster has 9/16" ratchet size.  Deeper Hex allows reach to recessed slack adjusters
  • Made In USA
  • Avoid costly fines and downtime - make sure your brakes are always operating at their best! Set contains Slack Adjusters for Haldex, Bendix and Meritor Air Brake Systems.  Adjusters have slip-resistent handles. Meritor Slack Adjuster set has 5/16" ratchet size with double square offset reversible wrench (33200-02). Fork end tool (33200-01) holds release of anti-reverse pin during adjustment. No more prying and risking damaging the anti-reverse mechanism. Ratchet allows more power with less fatigue. Haldex Slack Adjuster Tool (33205) has 7/16" ratchet size. Extra long 14.5" handle adds leverage and makes overcoming the anti-reverse mechanism easier than ever. Bendix Slack Adjuster (33206) has 9/16" ratchet size.  Deeper Hex allows reach to recessed slack adjusters.

    Brand: FORGOE, Model: 35795579

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