NO MONTHLY FEES and easy DIY (Do It Yourself) installation
Compatible with Skylink security systems, SC-10W, SC-100W, and SC-1000W
ADJUSTABLE TEMPERATURE RANGE (-30F to 1570F) or (190C to 690C)
LIFETIME SUPPORT - Toll free 1-800-304-1187,
The Skylink TS-101W Wireless Temperature Sensor was designed to monitor the temperature in a given area (i.e. Greenhouse, Wine Cellar). As soon as the temperature goes above or below the preset temperature range, you will receive a wireless signal to your control panel or emergency dialer. Included: 2x 3V long-life lithium batteries. Note: This sensor requires a Skylink SC Security System to work such as SC-10W, SC-100W and SC-1000W system or AD-105 Emergency Dialer. Since 1990, Skylink Technologies has strived to manufacture automated systems that ease your home control. Today, Skylink manufactures and distributes a DIY wireless alarm system with app control capabilities, DIY home automation and garage door openers to assemble your connected home. If you have any questions, call us anytime toll free 1-800-304-1187 or send us an email at Brand: Skylink, Model: TS-101W, Color: White
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