Skyjacker R3120 Softride Rear Add-A-Leaf Helper Spring with Tie Bolt - Pair

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Brand Skyjacker
Model R3120

  • Constructed As Progressive Multileaf Packs
  • Load Capacity Will Be Equal or Greater Than OE
  • Made With American Steel
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty
  • Lift Height 1.5 inch - 2 inch

  • Softride Add-a-leafs use only American steel and are shot-peened with hard steel pellets at very high velocities. This shot-peening compresses the surface of the steel thereby increasing the tensile strength of the leaf. Without this shot-peening procedure, the maximum wheel travel and ride quality could not be achieved without sacrificing the life of the leaf. The Skyjacker add-a-leafs are pre-drilled for the center pin. Pin location varies with each application. Most have long tapered ends for a progressive affect and ride comfort.

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