SKWOOSH Passenger Pillion IV Motorcycle Gel Rear Seat Pad with Breathable Cooling Mesh Fabric | Made in USA

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Brand Skwoosh
Model PIV0617
Color Black

  • Ergonomically designed to fit body geometry. Breathable Fabric - circulates air for natural cooling
  • Comfortable - Pressure relieving gel prevents numbness and discomfort. Cushioning - fluidized gel cradles your 'sitz' bones -long ride comfort
  • No Maintenance - durable water proof fabrics - all welded construction. Convenient - Lightweight, thin and compact for storage
  • Non-Skid Bottom - Anchors cushion to seat Easy Installation - Cruising snap on Safety strap included
  • Easy Installation with elastic safety strap (included). MADE IN USA

  • If riding on a passenger pillion seat can be made comfortable - SKWOOSHTM has done it. The PILLION IV Gel Pad, with breathable mesh is ergonomically designed to fit the body geometry of the rider. It fits most sport bikes and small rear passenger seats. The wide center cut-out fits the knee high position of the pillion rider and helps to absorb energy and relieve pressure on the "sits" bones. The fluidized gel relieves pressure, maintains circulation, and eliminates numbness and discomfort. It is lightweight, waterproof, easy to store and comes with an easy to install snap-on strap. Made in Johnstown, NY USA.

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