Sirui P-204SR P Series Monopod

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  • Wrist Strap
  • Removable Rubber Foot
  • Removable Aluminum Spike
  • Custom Padded Case
  • Shoulder Strap

  • SIRUI has introduced the perfect support system forvideographers on the go! The SIRUI P-S Series Multi-function Photo/Video Monopod. SIRUI Sirui P-204S Aluminum Photo/Video Monopods have three sturdy fold-down support feet that provide stability and flexibility not possible with standard monopods! The rugged feet allow you to pan the monopod 360° and tilt 20° in any direction without worrying that the monopod will move out of position! And you can step on the feet for even greater stability!The SIRUI designed and patented 360° panning hand grip produces smooth, pro-level panning effects. This unique feature lets you easily follow moving subjects, even if your video head or monopod head does not have a panning base! Only the top section of the monopod turns - not the entire shaft. That means you can hold onto the monopod for added stability and control! No other system has this important capability.It's foam padded for a comfortable feel and secure hold in cold or wet conditions. And, if you don't need the panning function, simply tighten the locking collar. To tilt the monopod 20° in any direction, SIRUI utilizes a precision ball head mechanism in the base of the monopod. SIRUI P-S Series Photo/video monopods are equally at home with photo and video equipment. And if you need to get your equipment up high or want an unusual perspective, you can, thanks to their rugged construction and lightweight design!! SIRUI P-204S is made of high strength aluminum alloy.Features: Three sturdy fold-down support feet that provide additional stability and flexibility. Removable for use as a standard monopod.Patented panning grip smoothly rotates 360°Adjustable friction control on the base ball head lets you adjust tension for different weight equipment and resistance requirements.Patented base locking collar keeps the monopod rigidPatented removable feet can be used as a table top tripodFoam grip for solid hold in wet or cold conditionsMounting plate comes with double headed,
    Brand: Sirui, Model: P-204S

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