Sioux Chief 550-11PK2 5-Count 1/4-Inch to 1-Inch CTS Touch Down Universal Pipe Clam

Sioux Chief
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  • Use with any CTS pipe
  • Releasable locking mechanism
  • Perfect when various pipe and tube sizes are used
  • Variable clamping tension allows for expansion and contraction of tube

  • Sioux Chief Mfg. Co. Inc. was founded and incorporated in August, 1957 by the late Martin E. "Ed" Ismert, Jr. in an attempt to smooth the boom-bust housing cycle that his plumbing wholesale supply company experienced. Sioux Chief got its start during the late '50s by packaging specialty fasteners and other items geared toward residential plumbing jobs. In the early '60s, Ed borrowed the idea of spinning copper tube closed for simple air chambers and adapted it for stub outs which could be used by plumbers. This performed copper tube saved plumbers from sweat soldering tube caps onto their copper tube for water shock and test-off purposes. By 1975 a heavy emphasis on sales and new product development began when Eds two eldest sons purchased the corporation and took over operations. Since then Sioux Chief has introduced a wide range of innovative products.
    Brand: Sioux Chief, Model: 550-11PK2

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