Simple Green 30501 d Pro 5 Disinfectant, 1 gal Bottle

Simple Green
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  • Simple Green d Pro 5 is a one-step disinfectant that has a high level of active ingredients for heightened efficacy and economy
  • It can be used in food production, processing, and service facilities
  • Simple Green d Pro 5 has an extensive efficacy list including Hepatitis B and C, Human Coronavirus, Canine Distemper Virus, and Avian Influenza
  • Simple Green d Pro 5 is meant to be absolutely effective on the bacterial, viral, and fungal threats that invade our lives
  • Ideal for athletic facilities, bars/restaurants, barber shops, bathrooms, beauty salons, business and office buildings, cafeterias, convenience stores, correctional facilities and day care centers

  • Simple Green d Pro 5 is a one-step disinfectant that has a high level of active ingredients for heightened efficacy and economy, and because it has no added color or scent - and carries a USDA rating for sanitizing, it can be used in food production, processing, and service facilities. Simple Green d Pro 5 has an extensive efficacy list including Hepatitis B and C, Human Coronavirus, Canine Distemper Virus, and Avian Influenza - one of the most significant threats to public health that we face today. It can be used not only in food processing facilities, but also in hospitals, prisons, poultry farms, and many other areas where strong cleaning ability and disinfecting power are necessary. Simple Green d Pro 5 is also EPA rated for use in kennels, cages, veterinary hospitals, and other animal areas. While Simple Green takes non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning and deodorizing seriously, we take no chances with products that make public health and safety claims. Simple Green d Pro 5 is meant to be absolutely effective on the bacterial, viral, and fungal threats that invade our lives. Ideal for athletic facilities, bars and restaurants, barber shops, bathrooms, beauty salons, business and office buildings, cafeterias, convenience stores, correctional facilities, day care centers, dental offices, egg processing plants, emergency vehicles, exercise facilities, farms, food preparation areas, food storage areas, hospitals, hotels and motels, institutional kitchens, institutions, locker rooms, medical offices, nursing homes, play ground equipment, poultry farms, prisons, public restrooms, schools and colleges, taxis, trains, USDA inspected food processing facilities, veterinary hospitals and clinics, zoos, and many other areas where strong cleaning and disinfecting are of the highest importance. Size: 1 Gallon bottle.
    Brand: Simple Green, Model: 30501, Color: Clear

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