Generic for Phazyme Delivers ultra strength gas relief
For pressure, bloating & gas discomfort
They are small & easy to swallow
Exp. Date 04/2016 or Later
Count 60 Gelcaps per Bottle. Delivers ultra strength gas relief For pressure, bloating and gas discomfort They are small and easy to swallow Ultra Strength Relieves Gas Fast: Pressure Bloating Gas Discomfort Goes to Work in Minutes Contains a powerful ingredient, simethicone, the anti-gas medicine recommended most by physicians and pharmacists for relief of gas. Has the highest dose of simethicone available. Swallow one or two softgels as needed after a meal. Do not exceed two softgels per day except under the advice and supervision of a physician. Other information: Store at room temperature 59 - 86F (15 - 30C) Active Ingredients: Simethicone180 mg, Anti-gas Brand: RUGBY LABORATORIES, Size: 2 Bottles Total 120 Gelcaps
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