Offers unique blend of weight, balance and strength
Full tang blade for strength and durability
Premium Japanese steel keeps the blade sharp
Only weighs in at 1.76 lbs.
Comes with custom sheath with hole hanger
Looking for a camper's best friend While small and compact, this feisty chunk of Japanese craftsmanship won't let you down when it comes to clearing trails or cutting up small timber for that evening fire. From the moment you handle this fine tool, you will know it is destined for your next venture into the great outdoors. Reshape the blade as needed. The ONO exudes quality and will be a part of your regular camping gear for a long time to come. Custom-fitted carrying case with a matching hole-hanger is standard equipment. Brand: Silky Saws, Model: 568-10, Color: Black, Size: One Size
Custom Tab 01
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