The siliskin glass training cup is a new take on kids cups. Safety and beautiful design have come together at last. Perfect for kids that are learning to use a "big kid" cup like mom and dad. Where form meets function, the innovative design makes the siliskin training cup a breeze to use, and it's not plastic. Unlike plastics, glass does not absorb odors or mold, making it the cleanest option for kids to drink from. The siliskin training cup is an 8 ounce glass cup encased in a heavy-duty shock absorbing silicone sleeve (a siliskin), giving added protection to the glass inside and making it easier to hold. The silicone top stretches over and grips the top of the glass while air suction keeps the top in place preventing spills and leaks. The unique Sippy top is also designed without unnecessary valves or cumbersome pieces. The Sippy top has no hidden crevices that are hard to reach where gunk and bacteria hide. The design allows for easy cleaning and care. The siliskin training cup is intended for tableware use and glass can still break. Always inspect the siliskin training cup before each use and after each bump and drop. The siliskin training cup should always be used with adult supervision and at the table only. Brand: Silikids, Model: SKSIP01, Color: Tart, Size: 4 Months
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