Siemens QA115AFCP 15-Amp Single Pole 120-volt Plug-On Combination AFCI Breaker

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  • Single pole, 15 Amp, Combination type AFCI circuit breaker
  • LED Trip indicators for clear identification of last trip condition
  • 1/4 in. more wire bend space than previous design
  • Both lugs at the same angle for easier wiring
  • 25 lb./in. torque rating

  • The Combination Type AFCI differs from the Branch/Feeder AFCI in its ability to detect series arcing faults. The Branch/Feeder AFCI can only detect line-to-neutral and line-to-ground arcing faults. Combination AFCIs provide protection against the high-energy parallel (line-to-neutral and line-to-ground) arcing and low-energy series arcing. "Combination" does NOT mean an AFCI GFCI. Combination = parallel series arcing. Combination AFCIs protect downstream branch circuit wiring, cord sets and power supply cords. Siemens Combination Type AFCI trip indicators provide a valuable analysis tool to help electricians pinpoint the type of trip. These indicators are in the form of LEDs that appear near the handle of the breaker. The LED indications will appear for 5 seconds each time the AFCI is turned "ON" up to 30 days after the last trip.
    Brand: Siemens, Model: QA115AFCP, Size: 15 Amp

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