Siemens Q120DF20-Amp Afci/Gfci Dual Function Circuit Breaker, Plug on Load Center Style

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  • Faster, more cost effective installation to meet code requirements compared to installing an AFCI breaker and GFI receptacle
  • For use on Siemens load centers that accept UL type QFGA2 breakers
  • Siemens exclusive LED trip indicator pinpoints cause of trip
  • HACR, SWD, 120 Volt AC rated
  • The breaker requires power to run the self test / trip functions (will not test / trip when not installed)

  • Two state-of-the-art technologies packaged in one small device - The Dual Function Circuit Breaker combines GFCI and AFCI, protecting against both Arc Faults and Ground Faults. This, along with the new Self Test & Lockout feature, makes it the first in class in electrical safety for homeowners. The 2014 National Electrical Code (NEC) now requires both Arc Fault and Ground Fault protection on kitchen and laundry circuits. Before the release of Dual Function Circuit Breakers, the only option to comply with this code was to pair an AFCI circuit breaker with a GFCI receptacle. The Dual Function Circuit breaker combines these two devices into one solution that provides both cost savings and less hassle in installation and maintenance. This is a win solution for everyone. A device that tests itself - Testing GFCIs and AFCIs on a monthly basis is a good idea that is sometimes forgotten. Underwriters Laboratories (UL) suggests that AFCI/GFCI devices be tested every 30 days after installation to ensure they are properly working. Now the new Self Test & Lockout feature enables the Dual Function Circuit Breaker to automatically and continuously test itself to ensure that it is working properly. If it is detected that the device has been compromised, the device trips itself and locks out the homeowner from resetting the device, reducing the possibility of the homeowner incorrectly assuming that the device was tripped to prevent a ground/arc fault. This effortless system guarantees that only the best protection is given to your home at all times.
    Brand: Siemens, Model: US2:Q120DF, Size: 20 Amp

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