Sick Bricks, Sick Team, 5 Character Pack, Heroes vs Hollywood

Sick Brix
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  • Get sucked into the game with the Sick Bricks Sick Team Pack! Build 5 figures and battle against the evil Omega Overlord to save Sick City!
  • Beam your figures into the FREE Sick Bricks game using your smartphone or tablet camera to uncover their unique combat abilities.
  • Need more powers Mix and match your real world Sick Bricks body parts to unlock new character combos with super-sick powers in the digital game!
  • Made for sick gamers ages 6. Download the Sick Bricks Game for FREE on iPhone/iPad, Android and Kindle. Device not included.
  • Includes: 5 Sick Bricks figures, 2 Team Bricks, 1 Instruction Sheet

  • Throw up a high-five and get sucked into the game with 5X the Sick Bricks as you battle against the evil Omega Overlord in your quest to rebuild Sick City to its former glory! That's right, the Sick Bricks Team Pack unleashes 5X the Sick Bricks figures for you to mix and match, scan into the game and battle with to save Sick City – the outrageous place full of mutants, monsters, aliens and all types of wacky characters! Oh, and did we mention the game is FREE Cuz it is! Check it out for iPhone/iPad, Android and Kindle. BREAKING NEWS: The Sick Bricks Sick Team 5 Pack is loaded with totally sick characters from two different teams! And this is why it's awesome: It lets you unlock 25 super-sick in-game combos! Using your smartphone or tablet, scan any of your Sick Brick figures into the free Sick Bricks game, and uncover their unique combat abilities. You can even mix, match, stack and swap parts between your real-world figures to create wicked and powerful new combos! Scan your new hybrid characters into the Sick Bricks game and you'll unlock their secret powers! IT'S TOTALLY SICK! And it's as simple as stack, scan and attack! Get sucked into the Game with the Sick Bricks Team Pack!
    Brand: Sick Brix, Model: 20067765

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