Shure MX202B/S Condenser Microphone - Super-Cardiod

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  • Black mini-condenser Supercardioid mic, w/cable, in-line preamp, stand adapter
  • Balanced, transformer less output for increased immunity to noise over long cable runs.
  • Supplied stand-mount adapter for portable applications
  • When combined with the high sensitivity cartridge's wide frequency response, these microphones provide accurate sound reproduction with minimum RF interference or electromagnetic hum

  • Shure Microflex MX200 Series microphones are miniature electrets condenser microphones designed for miking choirs and performance groups. They are typically suspended over the heads of the performers. Their high sensitivity and wide frequency range make them suitable for recording, as well as sound reinforcement applications. An attached 101 mm (4 in.) gooseneck allows them to be easily aimed at the sound source. It is hard to believe that such small, unobtrusive microphones can produce such great sound, but it's true. Available in black or white finishes, and with in-line or plate mount preamps, MX202 Microflex Overhead condenser microphones capture high-quality sound in a compact, adjustable package.
    Brand: Shure, Model: MX202B/S, Color: Black

    Custom Tab 01

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