Shopkins Shoe Dazzle Mid Price Playset

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  • SHOE DAZZLE -Little ones can show off their favorite pair of play shoes by displaying them on the high heel shoe stand or have her dolls check out their style in the mirror.
  • MAKES A GREAT GIFT - This Shopkins Fashion Spree Shoe Dazzle will make a thoughtful gift for your little one. Save on time, money, and headache while doubling the fun for your fabulous girl.
  • CREATIVE ROLE PLAY - This Shopkins toy can help encourage children to use their imagination by engaging in pretend play. They can set up their own store or act as if it is their own fancy closet.
  • DOWNLOAD THE SHOPKINS APP - Now you can have even more fun with the new Shopkins app.
  • PACKAGE CONTENTS - Shopkins Fashion Spree Shoe Dazzle playset comes with 2 exclusive Shopkins and 2 jelly bags.

  • Step out in style at the Shoe Dazzle Shoe Stand. Play all day on the spinning display. Show off your shoes on the high heel shoe stand, check out your style in the mirror and store away your favorite Shopkins in their shoebox! Get ready to kick up your heels…“It's Shoe Time!” This is the play set that has every thing for the Shopkins shoe lover! Comes with 1 play set, 2 exclusive Shopkins, 2 exclusive jelly bags and 2 shoeboxes to boot!
    Brand: Shopkins, Model: 56034, Color: Multi-colored

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