Shepherd Hardware 9433 6-Inch x 18-Inch Self-Adhesive Felt Pad, Green

Shepherd Hardware
In Stock


Brand Shepherd Hardware
Model 9433
Color Green
Size 6-Inch x 18-Inch

  • Self-adhesive felt pads are easy to install and offer scratch-resistant protection of cabinets, counters, table tops, hardwood, linoleum, vinyl, tile, marble and countless miscellaneous surfaces
  • General duty felt pads are composed of a synthetic blend and pressure-sensitive adhesive to protect various surfaces from accidental marring
  • Large sheet can be easily scissor-cut to shape for customized protection
  • Easy to install - simply clean, peel, and stick - surfaces should be free of dirt & debris and sanded if wooden to ensure a strong bond

  • 9433 Features: -Light duty felt gard felt blanket. -Easy to install protection for countertops, end tables, cabinets, against damage from marring. -Protect surfaces from being damaged while also deadening sound. -1 Per card. -Package type: Carded. -Color: Green. Product Type: -Table Tops. Dimensions: Overall Height - Top to Bottom: -7.5". Overall Width - Side to Side: -5.25". Overall Depth - Front to Back: -5.25". Overall Product Weight: -0.11 lbs.

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