Shark Week: 20th Anniversary Collection

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  • Factory sealed DVD

  • Lurking silently beneath the ocean's placid surface is one of nature's most terrifying creatures, a powerful predator who can rip its prey apart in a matter of seconds! Now experience actual shark attacks and rescues captured on film. Learn why these attacks are increasing at an alarming rate and see the awe-inspiring lengths sharks will go to when they're after prey. Swim with this misunderstood marvel in the world's most beautiful places, and discover the shark's secrets as we peer into its home in the sea's dark depths. Go shark hunting with the man whose legendary adventures may have inspired the infamous character Quint from Jaws, the movie that has scared millions out of the ocean. Explore the science, myths and mystery of this fearsome predator in 14 favorite Discovery Channel programs from Shark Week--the series that has been exciting and intriguing fans for 20 years! 4-DVD Set includes the following episodes: "Shark Attack Rescuers," "Shark Attack Survivors," Anatomy of a Shark Bite," "Prehistoric Sharks," "Future Shark," "Bull Shark: The World's Deadliest Shark," "Jaws of the Pacific," "Sharks in a Desert Sea," "Air Jaws: Sharks of South Africa," "Air Jaws II: Even Higher," "American Shark," "Shark Rebellion," "Shark Hunter: Chasing the Great White," and "Shark Bite! Surviving Great Whites."
    Brand: Shark

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