Set of 12 Attachable Indoor Carpet Stair Treads - Gray - 8 In. X 30 In. - Several Other Sizes to Choose From

House, Home and More
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  • These carpet stair treads attach to your steps using a hook-and-loop fastening system, providing a safe, secure surface for your family and pets
  • Each stair tread comes with two adhesive-backed looped-fiber strips that adhere to your step and two hooked-fiber strips sewn into the back of each stair tread that attach to the looped-fiber strips
  • Every stair tread comes with a non-skid pad that is placed on the step between the looped-fiber strips to create a padded and level walking surface
  • Stair treads can be removed and reattached as needed
  • Made of high-quality olefin carpet to resist stains and bound on all edges to prevent fraying

  • Attachable Carpet Stair Treads work great on wood, tile, marble and other hard-floor stair surfaces! These stair treads attach to your steps using a hook-and-loop fastening system, providing a safe, slip-resistant surface for you and your family including your dog or other pets. Each carpet stair tread comes with two adhesive-backed looped-fiber strips that adhere to your step. Sewn into the back of each stair tread are two hooked-fiber strips that attach to the looped-fiber strips. The hooked-fiber strips are not visible from the top of the stair treads. Also included with every stair tread is a non-skid pad that is placed on the step between the looped-fiber strips to create a padded and level walking surface. Made of high-quality olefin carpet to resist stains and bound on all edges to prevent fraying. These carpet stair treads can be removed and reattached as needed for cleaning. They are easy to clean with a hand-held vacuum or hose attachment and can also be spot cleaned. Due to the hooked-fiber strips these stair treads are not machine washable. Made in the U.S.A.
    Brand: House, Home and More, Color: Gray, Size: 8 In. x 30 In.

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