Sesame Street - Sesame Sings Karaoke

genius products inc
SKU: EZFB00009VU39
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  • Factory sealed DVD

  • Sesame Street: Sesame Sings Karaoke DVD

    Get ready for a musical extravaganza with the Muppets from Sesame Street! Something's in the air on Sesame Street that makes everyone want to sing! Elmo and Rosita break into song when they have a playmate, but can't find each other! "Won't Somebody Come and Play" The music goes on into the night when Sesame Street stays up late to sing more songs – karaoke style. Kids of all ages can sing and dance along to renditions of such Sesame Street favorites as "ABC-DEF-GHI," "You Say Hola, Ladybug Picnic," "New Way to Walk," "Let's Go Driving," "and People in Your Neighborhood." And the beat goes on – even with forgotten lyrics, stage fright and a broken karaoke machine! Featuring special guest performance clips by Gloria Estefan, Destiny's Child and Ben Stiller!

    Brand: genius products inc

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