Securifi Peanut Smart Plug (1 Minute Setup), NEEDS Almond (read below for compatible units), Remotely Monitor and Control Lights Appliances using Free iOS/Android Apps, Works with Alexa

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  • Works with Alexa for voice control (hub required, Alexa device and hub sold separately).
  • NEEDS:: Echo Plus/Almond 3/Almond/Almond 2015
  • Zigbee HA 1.2 and Simple 1 Minute Setup
  • Free Almond app for iOS & Android; also controllable via a standard web browser
  • Works with lights appliances, washers, dryers, heaters, in-wall air conditioners, fans, TVs, game consoles etc.
  • Remotely turn appliances on/off; monitor and save energy by identifying energy hogging devices in minutes

  • "Super Simple 1 Minute Setup: Tap “Add Device” “Add” on the LCD Interface of Almond or Almond 2015 and plug into a power socket to pair it with the router. Once added, the plug will remain paired even when removed from one socket and added to another. Turn Lights and Appliances On/Off from Anywhere: Add Peanut Plugs to the Almond or Almond 2015 to control and monitor appliances from anywhere in the world using our Free Almond iOS and Android apps. Works with washers, dryers, heaters, in-wall air conditioners, fans, TVs, game consoles, etc. Identify Energy Hogs: Use the Peanut Plug's built-in monitor to track how much energy your connected devices use. Concerned that older air conditioners, space heaters, refrigerators, or other appliances are actually energy hogs Don't wonder: with Peanut Plugs you'll know. Set It and Forget It: Schedule your sensors once and they'll remember your routine until you change your mind. Tell Almond 3, Almond or Almond 2015 to turn on your porch light at 6:00 pm and turn it off at 5:00 am. Ask it to ring the alarm when motion is detected in Armed mode. Or have it alert you when your ambient home temperature falls below a level you specify. It's like a programmable DVR for your house. Compatible with Almond 3, Almond and Almond 2015: Fully compatible with Almond 3, Almond and Almond 2015 routers. (Please note, however, that Peanut Plug is not compatible with the first-generation Almond [2012].)"

    Brand: Securifi, Model: PP-WHT-US, Color: White

    Custom Tab 01

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