SE GP3-PB10 Snifter Bottle

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Brand SE
Model GP3-PB10
Color Clear plastic

  • Combined size of nozzle and body: 5" x 1-1/2" diameter
  • Tube size: 4-3/4" x 3/16" diameter
  • Tube thickness: 1/32"
  • Material: Plastic
  • Great for gold panning & cleaning around your home, office, workshop, etc.

  • SE is proud to present our 3-oz. Snifter Bottle for Gold Panning.

    When to use the snifter bottle in the gold panning process:

    The snifter is used after you have panned down to gold or nearly so. Our small, hand-sized, flexible clear plastic snifter bottle has a small tube attached to its end. Squeeze the snifter bottle to create a vacuum inside so the submerged gold can easily be sucked up through the tube.


    Avoid getting counterfeit items. Genuine SE products come with our SE logo on the packaging.

    SE products are quality items for extremely reasonable prices. SE is committed to providing the customer with the best source for value possible on the market. You will enjoy the quality, function and usefulness this 3-oz. Snifter Bottle for Gold Panning has to offer.

    SE is a registered trademark protected by US Trademark Law.

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