SE 742DF File Set Tapered Diamond Needle, 3 mm x 140 mm x 70 mm (10 PC.)

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  • The file portions are 2.5mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm wide with blunt-flat tips
  • Works on all natural materials marble, wood, stone, bone, etc.
  • 7" (180mm) overall length; 2" working length; 180 to 320 grit
  • Soft PVC-dipped handles have excellent grip even when exposed to moisture and fluids
  • Used in deburring, fixing chipped glass and tile, and many hobbies and professional applications

  • The SE 742DF File Set Tapered Diamond Needle, 3 mm x 140 mm x 70 mm (10 PC.) is great for deburring, filing glass, ceramic, rock, carbide, gold, platinum, silver, or anything else that is hard. This item is great for fixing chipped glass and tile, and cutting stone, gold, and silver. These files work on all natural materials, including marble, wood, bone, and more. These tapered diamond needles are made of tempered stainless steel. They cut quickly and smoothly since the files cut on both the push and pull strokes. The handles are soft and PVC-dipped, which provides excellent grip even when exposed to moisture and fluids. Each one measures approximately 5 1/4" (133 mm) long.

    SE is committed to providing the customer with the best source for value possible on the market. You will enjoy the quality, function and usefulness of our SE 742DF File Set Tapered Diamond Needle, 3 mm x 140 mm x 70 mm (10 PC.).

    IPR Rights Notice: Important: Avoid getting counterfeit items. Genuine SE products come with the SE logo on the packaging.

    SE is a registered trademark protected by US Trademark Law.

    Brand: SE, Model: 742DF, Color: assorted

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