Scotty #302 Kayak Stabilizer System

SKU: EZFB0014493LI
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  • Stabilizer Kit includes 2 inflatable pontoons, 2 28" anodized arms, 4 #241L Locking Combination Side/Deck Mounts, 2 #280 Baitcaster Rod Holders
  • Easy inflatable inner bladders offer over 30 pounds of extra buoyancy
  • Scotty's new locking mounts make installation and removal quick and easy
  • Each pontoon includes a Scotty adjustable mounting system for easy installation and removal
  • 30" long x 8" diameter (zipper opening) pontoons are made of heavy PVC-coated outer shell materials with a durable inner bladder

  • Feel secure and stable in your kayak, or canoe while fishing with the Scotty #302 Kayak Stabilizer System. The inner bladders are easy to inflate and offer over 30 pounds of extra buoyancy. Scotty's new Locking Brackets make installation and removal quick and easy! Remove, or reposition, the pontoons with the push of a button. This Stabilizer System can easily be adapted to fit on most canoes without drilling holes by using the Scotty #449 Portable Clamp Mount. Each pontoon includes a Scotty locking mounting system for easy installation and removal. Simply unlock and swing the system inboard to move them out of the way. The Stabilizer Kit includes two inflatable pontoons, two 28" anodized arms with post, four #241L Locking Combination Side/Deck Mounts, and two #280 Baitcaster Rod Holders. Each 28" anodized aluminum support arm includes a gear and post system at either end that allows you to make subtle adjustments to properly fit your stabilizer system to virtually any watercraft. The 30 inch long, 8" diameter (zipper opening) pontoons are manufactured from heavy-duty puncture and tear resistant PVC outer shell material. The #280 Baitcaster Rod Holders, included, hold a baitcaster reels in a cushioned cradle. A slot in the front of the rod holders allow for a spinning reel to be securely held in position. The rod holders' design has a side mounted flange, which leaves the bottom open. This allows the rod holders to accommodate trigger grips. Pistol grip rod butts easily clear the sides of the rod holders for quick rod retrieval. Rods can be secured in the holders with soft latching straps which snap over the top. Scotty manufactures products that are sold into the fishing, marine, and outdoor industries worldwide. We have all the gear from Pot Pullers, manual and electric Downriggers, Rod Holders, Oar Locks, Fishfinder, Rod, and Float Tube Mounts, to Safety Equipment for your boat, kayak, and stand up paddle board. When it comes to on the water safety, Scotty has got you covered! Scotty safety equipment ranges from Rescue Throw Bags, Whistles, Flashlights, and Sea-Lights. We have total commitment to quality, and unmatched service. That means our customers everywhere can expect reliability and satisfaction from every product that carries the Scotty name. With Scotty you will find the right Downrigger, Mounting System and Accessories to suit your fishing, boating, kayaking and stand up paddle board needs.
    Brand: Scotty, Model: 302, Color: White

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