Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Half-Pan Paint Metal Compact Set with Brush, Set of 12 Colors (74012097)

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Brand Schmincke
Model 74012097
Color Assorted

  • Superior quality, natural ingredients are carefully selected each year for every formula for highest optimization
  • Traditional formulas since 1881 are the same in pans and tubes
  • Formulas used by classic artists like Emil Nolde and Oskar Kokoschka
  • An optimal amount of Oxgall enables the artist to decide (and not the paint!) as to where the paint should flow moist or stay dry on the paper
  • Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red Light, Permanent Carmine, Ultramarine Finest, Prussian Blue, Phthalo Green, Permanent Green Olive, Yellow Ochre, English Venetian Red, Sepia Brown,Ivory Black

  • The Schmincke Horadam Aquarell Half-Pan Paint Metal Compact Set with Brush features superior quality, natural ingredients that are carefully selected each year for every formula for highest optimization. These traditional formulas since 1881 are the same in pans and tubes and are used by classic artists like Emil Nolde and Oskar Kokoschka. An optimal amount of Oxgall enables the artist to decide (and not the paint!) as to where the paint should flow moist or stay dry on the paper. Colors included: Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Red Light, Permanent Carmine, Ultramarine Finest, Prussian Blue, Phthalo Green, Permanent Green Olive, Yellow Ochre, English Venetian Red, Sepia Brown, Ivory Black. Made in Germany.

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