Scanstrut Multi Deck Seal - Fits Multiple Cables up to 15mm

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Brand Scanstrut
Size one size

  • A brand-new OSCULATI part
  • 14.174.01

  • Deck Seals are designed to enable easy installation of electronics on board, providing a neat and stylish way of passing cables through the decks. The Multi Deck Seal is the latest addition to Scanstrut's existing Deck Seal range, which launched earlier this year and has passed stringent IPX6 and IPX7 tests to ensure protection from water ingress, even during extreme weather conditions and heavy seas.The durable Multi Deck Seal has been designed to fit multiple cables up to 15mm in diameter and is designed to save space and installation time.Unlike Scanstrut's current Deck Seal range, the new Multi Deck Seal comes un-drilled to ensure a selection of cables can be fitted. The installation process is simple and reliable, requiring a small hole to be drilled through the seal.Manufactured using marine grade aluminium with a hard finish to resist impact marks, the Multi Deck Seal unit has a waterproof base seal and an aesthetic low profile to prevent those on board from stubbing their toes.

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