Saunders Recycled Aluminum Clipboard – A4 Clipboard with Low Profile Clip. Stationery Accessories

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  • Material: the clipboard is manufactured with high-quality, recycled aluminum, which is procured from 60% post-consumer waste aluminum. The light-weight clipboard is an easy-to-carry stationery item. The use of aluminum also averts any chance of rusting.
  • Design: the holder clipboard comes with a sturdy steel clip. The self-locking latch of office clipboard helps in keeping all types of documents securely fastened.
  • User-Friendly Office Product: the aluminum clipboard is lightweight and portable. This feature helps in minimizing the slippage when you are filling crucial data on the papers.
  • Office Tool Applications: office clipboard has been designed in a way to keep all the papers secure. You can hold the A4 clipboard with one hand while jotting down on it with the other hand.
  • Durable Clipboard: expect the entire range of Saunders Aluminum Clipboard to be durable. Ergonomically designed, the professional clipboard has been manufactured in the U.S.

  • With Saunders Recycled Aluminum Clipboard, you can store and secure a variety of documents, all in one place. The clipboard is constructed from superior grade of aluminum, making it an ideal choice for demanding environments. A durable steel clip has been provided on the office clipboard to lock your documents in place – this becomes handy in reducing slippage when you are filling vital data on the papers. Sturdy and strong, this A4 Clipboard fits easily inside project bags and is lightweight to carry.
    Brand: Saunders, Model: 21517, Color: Aluminum., Size: 8.5 x 12 Inches

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