Satco S3502 1/Card 120V 50-Watt MR16 GU10 Base Light Bulb with FL 36 Beam Pattern with Lens

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Brand Satco
Model S3502

  • 2000 Average rated hours
  • 50-Watt GU10 base
  • FL 36 beam pattern

  • Halogen lamps deliver a crisp, white light, not only is the quantity of the light greater than a standard incandescent of comparable wattage, but the quality of the light creates a higher contrast for reading and other tasks this also makes halogen perfect of display, accent and general lighting. Standard incandescent lamps and halogen lamps both use tungsten filaments. However, the filament in the standard lamp evaporates over time, causing it to weaken and eventually break. The gasses inside halogen laps allow the evaporated tungsten to find its way back to the filament and redeposit, ensuring a long life of 2,000 hours or more. All of our halogen lamps are dimmable and can be used in conventional incandescent dimmers.

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