Hours of fun can be had with this dough; it's brightly colored and has a plesant smell; younger children will find it easy to play with, easy to create things and most of all fun
Dough come sealed in a clean white 1-pound tub color is indicated on the label when finished with play, dough can be stored in easy open tub for future play tubs are air tight
Soft and malleable dough is easy to clean up and easy to play with construct any figure, sculpture or shape with ease
Dough is safe and non-toxic; Conforms to ASTM D 4236
Art-time dough can be utliized over and over again with proper storage and care
Sargent Art is a USA manufacturer, and is a leader in the art supply business. They have been producing quality art materials for over 75 years. They are known for ''TOP QUALITY'' products which are trusted to be safe and non-toxic. Recommended by beginner, intermediate and advanced artist. Enjoy the colorfully brilliant world of Sargent Art today. Brand: Sargent Art, Model: 85-3102, Color: Yellow
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