Safety 1st Decor Easy Install Tall & Wide Gate

Safety 1st
In Stock


Brand Safety 1st
Model GA107DEC1

  • Decorative modern design and color to blend within the home.
  • Quick & Easy install: Visual red/green indicator lets parent know gate is installed securely
  • Tools-free design makes install easy and quick
  • Easy for me to open, tough for my tot: Increased height makes this barrier even tougher for climbers
  • Adults can easily open using one hand, while the two-action handle remains tough for little fingers to release

  • Now that baby is on the move, the Easy Install Decor Tall & Wide Gate makes it simple to create child friendly areas within your home. For use between rooms, a walk through gate makes it easy to get around the house, with no need to reinstall it each time you pass by. All pressure mounted gates need to be occasionally tightened before they become too loose. When the SecureTech indicator turns red, it's time to re-adjust the pressure. An extra-wide gate lets you easily block off the larger throughways in your home. The gate is 36 inches high and can be adjusted from 29 to 47 inches.

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