Safco Products 9423GR Wood Adjustable Literature Organizer, 24 Compartment, Gray

Safco Products
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Brand Safco Products
Model 9423GR
Color Gray
Size xx

  • MULTI-PURPOSE DESKTOP SORTER. The versatile design of this organizer allows for use anywhere: home, office or school is just the beginning. Great for storing pens, pencils, art supplies, homework, books, binders, files, paper or other supplies to keep conveniently nearby and organized. Finished dimensions are 39 ¼"W x 11 ¾"D x 16 ¼"H.
  • EASY TO RECONFIGURE AND CUSTOMIZE. 24 compartments, 9"W x 11 1/2"D x 2 3/8"H. Each rated up to 15 lbs. and can be removed to create more space or adjusted to create a new configuration. Shelves rest on dowels that can be removed, making it adjustable and easy to reconfigure or customize to suit your individual needs.
  • BUILT TO LAST. Constructed of corrugated fiberboard frame with hardboard shelves. Durable laminate finish helps prevent scratching and chipping for a long-lasting product. Available in choice of Cherry, Gray or Mahogany laminate to suit a variety of personal preferences or decor.
  • BUILT IN ORGANIZATION. These versatile sorters feature molded-in labeling areas for an added level of organization.
  • EASY ASSEMBLY. The organizer ships disassembled and is designed for easy assembly, requiring only a hammer (not included).

  • Be versatile. Cabinetry is formed from compressed wood with laminate finish with a solid fiberboard back for strength and rigidity. The strong hardboard shelves form up to 24 letter size compartments 9"W x 11 3/4"D x 2 1/2"H and adjust in 2 1/2" increments to increase the size of individual compartments for storage of books, 3-ring binders or personal mementos. Includes a metal rod adapter to store and organize CD's in the bottom two compartments. Black plastic molding complements finish while doubling as a convenient labeling area. Durable furniture-grade wood with stain and scratch resistant laminate finish shell. Units stack up to 3 high. Easy assembly with pre-glued dowels.

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