E-Z Stor wood literature organizer with 24 compartments
Compartment dimensions 9"W x 11"D x 3"H, capacity 750 letter size sheets, 10 lbs.
Individual compartment hardboard shelves remove to expand compartment size
Black plastic label holders for cubbies
Durable furniture grade wood with stain and scratch resistant laminate finish shell
Almost too E-Z. Effortless organizing at your fingertips with the E-Z Stor Wood Literature Organizer will be a great addition to any mail room, office, school or store. Features 24 letter-size 9"W x 11"D x 3"H compartments to use as a mailbox, material holder or stationary sorter. The sturdy 3/4" durable furniture grade wood with stain and scratch resistant laminate finish shell assures maximum strength and stability. Hardboard shelves hold up to 750 sheets. Individual compartment shelves remove to expand compartment size. Black plastic label holders on shelf fronts. Quick and easy assembly with precision engineered cam-lock system. Brand: Safco Products, Model: 9311MH, Color: Mahogany
Custom Tab 01
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