Safari Ltd Zoo Babies Toy Figurine TOOB With 11 Adorable Baby Animals Including Baby Zebra, Panda, Hippo, Chimpanzee, Rhino, Alligator, Gorilla, Elephant, Tiger, Polar Bear, And Giraffe – Ages 3 And Up

Safari Ltd.
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  • 11 CUTE AND CURIOUS BABY ANIMALS - As seen at your favorite zoo exhibits, the Zoo Babies TOOB has all of the most beloved baby animals, including a baby zebra, panda, hippo, chimpanzee, rhino, alligator, gorilla, elephant, tiger, polar bear, and giraffe. Each one is just as curious, cute, and happy as your own babies, and is sure to spread big joy.
  • COMES IN CONVENIENT TOOB - All these animals pack neatly into a reusable tube, making them easy to store and carry-along wherever you're going. For cleaning, just wipe with a damp cloth.
  • TOYS THAT TEACH - Each tube comes with educational information and a convenient carrying loop. The Zoo Babies TOOB now also has an exclusive Kindle storybook, "The Little Leopard Gets a Splinter," which features a day in the life of these young friends and can be purchased separately.
  • MADE WITH INDUSTRY-LEADING STANDARDS - Even though they're small, each figurine has been individually hand painted, is detailed and realistic, and features quality construction from phthalate and lead-free materials.
  • TOOB SPECIFICATIONS - This Safari Ltd TOOB contains 11 figures. Replica size ranges from 1.5" to 3." TOOB measures 2"L x 2"W x 12.9"H. For ages 3 and up.

  • As seen at your favorite zoo exhibits, the Zoo Babies TOOB has all of the most beloved baby animals, including a baby zebra, panda, hippo, chimpanzee, rhino, alligator, gorilla, elephant, tiger, polar bear, and giraffe. Each one is just as curious, cute, and happy as your own babies, and is sure to spread big joy. All these baby animals pack neatly into a reusable tube, making them easy to store and carry-along. Each figurine has been individually hand painted, is detailed and realistic, and features quality construction from phthalate and lead-free materials. Safari Ltd believes in creating toys that teach, and these realistic miniatures were designed for school projects, dioramas, or desktops. Replica size ranges from 1.5” to 3.” TOOB measures 2”L x 2”W x 12.9”H.
    Brand: Safari Ltd., Model: 680004, Color: A2744

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