The Phoenix was a magical firebird with a life span of 500 years. When it began to grow old, it would set itself on fire and then emerge young again from the ashes. Its tears could heal wounds.
Let your imagination soar with our Fantasy figures!
Breathtaking designs of popular mythological creatures based on the colorful stories of ancient Greek mythology.
A fun way to spark the innate curiosity of a child
Educational information in five languages is included with each replica
The Phoenix was a magical firebird with a life span of 500 years. When it began to grow old, it would set itself on fire and then emerge young again from the ashes. Its tears could heal wounds. Breathtaking designs of popular mythological creatures based on the colorful stories of ancient Greek mythology. This collection has a realism unequal to none; even Pegasus appears to be flying! Newly released in 2008, these sculpts have already become hugely popular in the "collectors" market. Children will enjoy hours of imaginative play and learn about the Greek classics at the same time. Excellent 3-D compliment to any lesson plan or project. Brand: Safari Ltd., Model: 801329
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