RXBAR Whole Food Protein Bar, Blueberry, 1.83oz Bars, 12 Count

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  • RXBARs are whole food protein bars made with clean, simple ingredients. Egg whites, dates and nuts are combined with delicious flavors to create a nutritious bar.
  • This bar's blueberry flavor bursts through every bite and will have you hooked as soon as you open the wrapper.
  • No added sugar, no gluten, no dairy, no soy, no artificial flavors, no preservatives, no fillers, non GMO, whole 30 compliant, kosher, no B.S.Not a low-calorie food
  • 12g protein, 4g fiber, 210 calories, 0g added sugars
  • No surprises here. One look at our wrapper and you can see what we're all about.

  • This nutritional powerhouse blends wild blueberries with RXBAR's signature combination of egg whites, dates, cashews, and almonds for unparalleled flavor in every delicious bar. Bursting with antioxidants and whole food ingredients, each bar contains 12 grams of egg white protein, 4 grams of fiber, nutrition-rich fruits and nuts, no gluten, dairy or soy and has zero added sugar. RXBARs are perfect as a convenient breakfast, on-the-go snack or as pre-or-post workout fuel.
    Brand: RXBAR, Model: 151685, Color: 12 Count, Size: 12 Count

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