Rule 10 Marine Bilge Pump, 2000 Gallon Per Hour, Non-Automatic, 12 Volt DC

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Brand Rule
Model 10
Color White/Blue
Size 2000 GPH

  • A genuine Rule product, don't settle for anything less
  • More pumping capacity and more exclusive design features than any comparable competitive pump at a lower cost
  • 1-1/8 inch (28.6 millimeter) hose barb discharge outlet, 12 Volts DC, limited 3 year warranty
  • 3 Year Warranty

  • Rule Submersible Bilge Pumps have set the standard for the industry for decades. They are the first choice of yachtsmen and fishermen throughout the world. More innovations in bilge pump design have come from Rule Industries than any other manufacturer, and they are proud to offer the broadest range of bilge pumps in the world.
  • Pump and switch are stand-alone products
  • Compact, efficient, long-life motors
  • Limited three-year warranty
  • Ability to run dry for short periods
  • Easy-clean, snap-lock strainer bases
  • Stainless steel shafts
  • Completely submersible
  • Marine-grade blocked wiring
  • Rust and corrosion protection
  • Silent and vibrationless operation
  • CE and ISO 8849 certification
  • Ignition protection
  • Traditional operation activated by a float switch and/or panel switch, providing an extra level of security and protection
  • Remove the motor by pushing the side tabs, allowing easy access to clean the strainer and the impeller cavity
  • Custom Tab 01

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