Rubber Duck Family Bath Set (Set of 4) - Floating Bath Tub Toy (Set of 4)

Playmaker Toys
In Stock


Brand Playmaker Toys
Model 2117
Color Yellow

  • Rubber Duck Family Bath Toy
  • Set of 4 - Mother Duck with 3 Baby Duckies!
  • Larger Duck floats on water and holds 3 smaller water squirters
  • Phthalate Free Vinyl Bath Toy
  • Great for bathtime fun!

  • Make bath time more enjoyable with this fun filled gift set. Includes a large duck and 3 bath squirt toys! This bath set makes a wonderful gift for baby showers and birthdays. Every part of the set is at once fun and elegantly coordinate, from the tiny yellow duckies to their large mother duck that also functions as a soap dish. Set includes: 3 squirting duckies and "Mama Duck" soap dish. A compact and fully accessorized bath set, perfect for making bath time, fun time!

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