Rs-25550-2 10" X 50t Combo Carbide - Wood (For Table Saws)

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  • Individually hand-hammered, fully heat hardened steel plates for flat, true, wobble-free operation.
  • Aggressive grind angles for easy performance in heavy-duty jobs. Honing carried out at 400 grit to limit microchipping and produce a very keen edge.
  • Large, high-grade carbide tips selected for long life in woodworking applications.
  • Ample side clearance provides for air flow between carbide and workpiece - limits likelihood of burning even on heavy rips. This also prevents premature dulling.
  • ATAFR (Alternate Top Alternate Face w/ Raker) The FLAT-TOP RAKER sits LOWER, adds stability during cut and helps clean out and eject chips.

  • The RS-25550-2 model made by Tenryu is a 10-inch Rapid-Cut planer-combination blade. There are 50 teeth with the rake angle of 10 degree. With that rake angle, it is great for crosscutting wood, fiberboard, plasterboard, chipboard, veneered board, and plywood. The arbor size is 5/8 inch. Tenryu claims the blade is super quiet when operated. The high-grade carbide tip kerf size is 0.126 inch. The reason of having high-grade carbide tips is for long life in woodworking applications. Each top of tooth bevel alternates left and right, with a single lower flat top raker every set of left and right top bevel teeth. This will add stability during cuts and help eject chips. These blades are individually hand-hammered and are made with fully heat hardened steel for a true flat and stable operation.
    Brand: Tenryu

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