Round 4" Mirror Can Be Used In Many Craft Projects (10 Pcs)

National Artcraft
Out Of Stock


  • Useful in a wide variety of crafts
  • Adds sparkle and depth to craft projects
  • Use indoors or out
  • Can be etched or painted on
  • Use for home decor

  • Craft mirrors are smaller size mirrors used to decorate and enhance objects. They can impart a feeling of brilliance and depth. These 4" round glass mirrors are useful in home decorating projects as well as crafts. They can spruce up a wall by using a small number as a design accent and can give a child's room a happy feeling. They can also be used to cover jewel boxes, as a surround on picture frames or as ornaments at Christmas and other occasions. They can be etched or painted on and their applications are endless. This offer is for a total of 10 mirrors. For hundreds more craft, art and hobby products including other glass crafting mirrors, be sure to visit our Amazon Storefront. We have the creative component you need.
    Brand: National Artcraft

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