Rocktape Kinesiology Tape, Beige, 16.4 Feet Uncut Roll, For Pain & Injury Support, Athletes & Exercise

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  • Stickier, hypoallergenic, water resistant adhesive that won't fall off during competition
  • 180% stretch, helps reduce skin irritation. Also allows fuller range of motion
  • Tighter weave, which enables muscle to more easily snap-back to neutral
  • 97% cotton, 3% Nylon 6/12, low moisture absorption
  • Wearable for up to 5 days

  • This mechanical lifting effect is best observed when kinesiology tape is used over swollen and bruised areas. Time after time we have seen dramatic changes in inflammation and bruising when kinesiology tape is fanned over the affected area. Often in 1-2 days a bruise is almost completely cleared, and we have seen exciting effects on limb edema following lymphectomies and other procedures that can result in chronic edema and swelling. It is likely that by decompressing the skin and the layers of tissue beneath it, lymphatic ducts and blood vessels can clear fluid more efficiently, resulting in these often- dramatic changes. ROCKTAPE is a premium kinesiology tape (often mispelled as Kenisology Tape or abbreviated as KT ) with a tighter weave, greater elasticity and stronger adhesive than other kinesiology tapes. It stays on longer and provides enhanced support, even under the toughest conditions. Extra elasticity promotes "snap back" helping muscles contract and relax more efficiently. This makes it ideal for high performance athletes and those competing in extreme sports. Rock Tape provides the same therapeutic benefits as regular kinesiology tape, but its unique properties, combined with a radical new taping method called PowerTaping, allow it to also enhance athletic performance. The biomechanical lifting action of the tape enhances both oxygen delivery and removal of lactic acid. This translates directly into greater endurance and faster recovery. The Power Taping protocol involves taping entire kinetic chains associated with different movement patterns, which enhances muscle activation for more powerful and efficient movement. This makes Rock-Tape the most complete sports tape on the market. Rock Tape rolls are perfect for sport bags, travel kits and home use. Includes a full-color, 2-sided poster showing a variety of therapeutic and performance-enhancing applications.
    Brand: Rocktape, Model: AR2INSTND-2ROLLS-BIEGE, Color: ZBeige, Size: Uncut Roll - 2" Wide

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