RIDGID 41600 Thread Cutting Oil, Chlorine-Free Thread Cutting Oil Designed to Prolong Equipment Life of the 418 Oiler Gun

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  • This threader is ideally suited to thread black steel, galvanized steel and softer material pipes with diameters between 4 inches to 6 inches (100 mm to 150 mm)
  • The perfect tool for fast, precise pipe threading in straight or tapered applications using just 1 set of ultra-durable, stainless steel threader dies
  • Versatile geared pipe threader can be powered  by a variety of RIDGID power drives or be used as a hand-held pipe threader
  • Receding gear feature on the 161 Geared Pipe Threader lets users right-hand thread either stationary or rotating pipes
  • Cam-type work holder sets changes to thread size instantly while the machine's clutch helps to prevent jamming at the end of the thread

  • For longer die life and the smooth, continuous operation of the RIDGID line of power drive pipe threaders, the RIDGID Thread Cutting Oil for threading machines is an essential addition to your equipment inventory. A low odor, anti-mist formulation ensures cleaner operation of the threader, while the cooling properties ensure reduced torque and better thread quality in pipes and rod shafts. This pipe threading oil is free of chlorine, halogens, PCBs and heavy metals, which allows it to be used safely and continually throughout the operation of the machine.

    This thread oil is ideal for use with the RIDGID 418 Oiler Gun where a pump assembly helps to deliver up to 50 percent more oil per stroke to extend the life of the threading machine. A 1-gallon (3.8 liter) reservoir improves productivity by reducing the downtime needed for frequent refills. RIDGID covers its products with a lifetime warranty against defects in material or workmanship for the life of the tool.

    Since 1923, RIDGID has remained the symbol of certainty to dedicated professionals of the expert trades. Every tool that bears the RIDGID brand is engineered to the same high standards of quality, strength and endurance, as was that first heavy-duty pipe wrench more than 80 years ago.

    Brand: Ridgid, Model: 41600, Color: NA

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