Rhino Trunk and Case Armor Trunk, XX-Large, Black

Rhino Trunk and Case
In Stock


Brand Rhino Trunk and Case
Color Black
Size XX-Large

  • Armor exterior laminated over 3/8" premium grade Baltic Birch hardwood plywood frame
  • Genuine Leather handles. This allows you to easily add or remove Rhino's specially designed 200 pound rated wheels. Wheels sold separately
  • Features a soft close lid stay for keeping the lid propped open
  • Heavy duty nickel-plated steel trim and hardware
  • No paper or plastic lining anywhere. Therefore, you'll never have a problem with peeling or tearing. 2 nickel-plated steel universal wheel plates already mounted on the side of the trunk

  • Rhino Armor Trunks are handcrafted in America and constructed from the highest quality components. Available in a wide variety of colors, Rhino Armor Trunks are conveniently sized and ruggedly built. They're even strong enough to stand on! Rhino Armor is an exterior 1000d Nylon textured sheathing, which is highly resistant to water penetration, denting, and scratching. The Rhino Armor is laminated over 3/8" Baltic Birch hardwood plywood and finished with nickel-plated steel trim and hardware. Rhino Armor Trunks are easily stowed and can be securely locked to ensure the safety of personal items.

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