Enhance three dimensional thinking with the construction of this 41-piece model kit
Learn to plan and evaluate a project by snapping together the pre-painted pieces and applying authentic decals, no paint or glue required
Kit features 4-bladed main rotor, air data sensor, twin GE T-700 turbo shaft engines, pilot night vision sensor (PNVS)
Model Scale 1:72
Recommended for ages 8 years and up
41 detailed dark green parts that snap together - no glue necessary
Four bladed main rotor, air data sensor, twin General Electric T-700 turbo shaft engines, pilot night vision sensor (PNVS), target acquisition and designation sight (TADS), 1200 round capacity 30mm chain gun, plus aerial rockets and 16 Hellfire Missiles
Bonus stickers are included
Also included is an "Adventures Built" collector poster
Illustrated assembly guide
This high-tech U.S. Army combat machine carries advanced electronic equipment. It's heavily armed with a 30mm 'chain gun', Hellfire missiles and dual 2.75 inch rockets pods. Features: Easy snap-together construction, parts molded in color, special decal sheet with one set of authentic markings and a bonus set of custom graphics such as lightning bolts and shark jaws. Paint and glue not needed. Brand: Revell, Model: 85-1183, Color: Brown
Custom Tab 01
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