Unique, no heat repair process easily repairs burns, holes, rips and tear on all types of leather and vinyl.
Repairs in only 20 minutes.
Matches popular colors and grains.
Just apply and let dry.
Kit comes complete with seven intermixable colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white, brown and black), color mixing guide, mixing cup, applicator and easy to follow instructions.
The ReStor-It Quick 20 No Heat Leather and Vinyl Repair Kit uses a unique no-heat process to easily repair burns, holes, rips and tears on leather and vinyl. Each kit contains seven 1.8 oz. colors, a mixing guide, mixing cup, applicator and easy-to-follow instructions. You can mix and match to popular colors and grains with a drying time of only 20 minutes. Extend the life and restore the beauty of your favorite leather or vinyl chairs and seats. The Master line of office organization and repair products provides "do-it-yourself" quick and simple solutions for everything and everyone! Brand: ReStor-It, Model: 18081, Color: Assorted Colors, Size: NOT APPLICABLE
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