Remflex 6009 Exhaust Gasket for Mopar V8 Engine, (Set of 2)

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Brand Remflex
Model 6009

  • 1-3/16 inch width x 1-27/32 inch height Square End Ports; Mopar V8 - 318, 340, 360, Square End Ports, Includes 2 Air Tube Gaskets, Manifold or Headers, 2/Set
  • Includes 2 air tube gaskets
  • There are no rubber binders or composite materials in Remflex exhaust gaskets so they will not shrink or harden due to time or temperature eliminating the need to go back and continually retighten your flange bolts
  • Heating and cooling of the exhaust system causes header and manifold flanges to warp resulting in gaps between the head and header which Remflex exhaust gaskets seal completely due to the thickness and compressibility of the 100 percent flexible graphite

  • Fits: 318 ('75-'91), 340 ('68-'73), 360 ('71-'92). Remflex Exhaust Gaskets are soft and compressible so the suggested torque for each gasket, which is generally much lower than factory torque, is listed on the back of each package. Remflex is made in the USA so as to control every step of the manufacturing process guaranteeing a superior product that you can rely upon. Remflex's unique flexible graphite material has been proven for more than 30 years in industrial applications, where temperatures routinely exceed 2000 degrees-day after day, week after week, year after year. For over 10 years Remflex has been bringing this technology to automotive enthusiasts of all kinds to eliminate exhaust leaks for good. Experience has shown that no gasket "should" be reused if you want a reliable seal, therefore Remflex do not sell or market gaskets as reusable even though it have been told that they have been reused successfully in the past. Do not use sealants of any type with Remflex gaskets. The sealant burns out rapidly leaving a gap which creates an exhaust leak. Remflex Exhaust Gaskets are good to 3000 degrees which far exceeds the temperature rating of any sealant.

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